Hello there!
I am a postdoctoral researcher within the Systems Theory Research Group at Mathematics unit, Tampere University. I work under the supervision of Lassi Paunonen.
I did my PhD thesis at GIPSA-lab under the supervision of Christophe Prieur and Francesco Ferrante. I graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lyon and Université Claude-Bernard in Engineering and Applied Mathematics in 2019.
Research interests
My interests lie at the intersection of mathematical analysis, systems theory and automatic control:
- Analysis and control of partial differential equations;
- Applications of semigroup and operator theory;
- Nonlinear output regulation.
Community involvement
I was among the organizers of the workshop Internal-Model based Regulation (IMR 23) that took place at CentraleSupélec in November 2023.
I have volunteered for the IEEE CDC 2019 and am a member of the IFAC technical commitee on nonlinear control systems (TC 2.3) and the IEEE technical commitee on distributed parameter systems (TCDPS).
I have also served as a reviewer for various journals (Automatica, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Control Systems Letters, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, European Journal of Control) and conferences (CDC 2021-2023, ECC 2022-2023).